SURTR: New Audio Sample Available

March 3, 2011

French doomsters SURTR will release their debut album, "World Of Doom", on April 29 except in France, U.K. and Ireland, where it will arrive on May 2. The cover artwork and layout are being designed by Christoph "Stripe" Schinzel (ANVIL, COUNT RAVEN, SODOM, VICIOUS RUMORS).

An audio sample of the new CD is available for streaming below.

According to a press release, SURTR unleashes a dark atmosphere of traditional doom metal on its debut album. The band paints a gloomy picture of the world using the hallmarks of doom metal pioneers. They set up the basics of upcoming riots through a conceptual effort using an analogy between the giant SURTR's legend and modern societies.


Régis Beck: Drums
Julien Kuhn: Bass
JeFF Maurer: Guitar, Vocals

For more information, visit

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